School Nurse
Tammy Jensenius, RN, BSN
I started as the school nurse in August of 2021. Prior to coming here I worked on the pediatric floor at Unity Point Allen Hospital for twenty years. I plan to continue helping out at the hospital as needed. I live in Janesville. My husband’s name is Chris. I have three children that attended Janesville School. My office hours are 8:00AM - 3:15PM (M,T,Th,F) and 8:00AM - 2:00PM (Wednesday). Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I welcome any information you would like to share with me to better care for your child’s physical and mental health.
Health Services:
The primary purpose of the school health program is the optimal maintenance, promotion and improvement of student, staff and community health. This ensures a safe, healthy environment that is conducive to learning, and provides professional care for those who become ill or injured while at school. The schedule for the RN will be decided at the beginning of each school year. When the RN is not here, first aid will be managed by the secretaries and principals. The secretaries and principals are certified in Medication Administration using a training program provided by the Iowa Board of Education.
If a student becomes ill in school, he/she should report to the office. The nurse or office personnel will assess the student and determine what action should be taken. If the child’s assessment determines he/she should go home, parents will be contacted. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide transportation home. Students are not to leave the building without permission.
Students will be sent home with any of the following:
an elevated temperature - 100 degrees or above
at the discretion of the RN and/or administrator.
Please notify the school if a health care provider diagnosed your child with a communicable disease. Notes will be sent home with child’s classmates to notify their parents of an exposure to a communicable disease.
Parents/guardians will be notified of any serious injury that occurs at school. If immediate emergency care is needed, and parents/guardians cannot be reached, 911 will be called for transport to the nearest hospital.
Health Screenings: Screenings for vision and hearing are done throughout the year. Students will be screened unless the parent/guardian notifies the school nurse not to include the child in the screening. Grade levels of the screenings vary. Periodic visits and talks to classrooms about dental care, hygiene, and other health issues will be done by the school nurse.
School Attendance Health Requirements:
Physical: All kindergarten students are required to have a recent physical exam by their health provider.
Immunizations: All students in the school must comply with the immunization requirements of the Iowa law.
Sport Physical: Required for all 7-12 grade students participating in school-sponsored athletic/extracurricular activities
Dental Screening: Required for all kindergarteners, all 9th graders, and all students transferring in from out of the state
Lead Screening: All kindergarten student’s names will be sent to the Iowa Department of Public Health as required by schools for the lead screening verification law.
Janesville CSD has a limited amount of over the counter medications for students. Parents/Guardians must provide any prescription medication their student may need during the school day. All prescription medication that is to be taken during the school day, must have the Annual Medication Permission form on file with the office. Medications are to be administered by the school nurse or by school personnel who have been trained in the administration of medication and will be taken in the health office. If a student requires emergency medication that the student is to keep with him/her, written approval from the doctor and parent/guardian is required. This is only for Insulin, Inhalers, or Epipens. All other medications will be stored in a locked cupboard in the health office. Prescription medication must be brought to school in its original container. It must be labeled with the student’s name, medication name and dosage, directions for administration, name of the doctor prescribing, and the date of the prescription. Over the counter medications must be brought to school in original containers. It can be administered only as directed on the manufacturer’s label. Medications not sent in the original container cannot be administered at school. No medications will be stored in classrooms or kept in the student’s possession except those listed above as emergency medication.
Health Habits:
Prevention really is the best medicine! Frequent good hand washing is the single most important measure to teach children to prevent the spread of germs. Parents/guardians of lower elementary children should assist them with hygiene and check their head for head lice weekly. Plenty of sleep, a balanced diet, bathing, hair washing and tooth brushing on a regular basis all make the child ready to do his/her best work at school. Healthy children are ready to learn!!
Parents can apply for low or no-cost health insurance for their children through the state’s Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) program. Children, from birth to 19, who meet certain criteria, are eligible. The coverage includes doctor’s visits, hearing services, dental care, prescription, immunizations, physical therapy, vision care, speech therapy, and hospital services to name a few. Parents are encouraged to call 1-800-257-8563 (toll free) or go to the Web site at for more information.