JCSD Offers Student Support Center
/The intent of the Academic Support Center is to provide students with the opportunity to improve their academic standing and performance. McCormick and Giraud are available to provide help with assignments and projects in all curricular areas and assist students with studying for assessments.
Any student who is academically ineligible per the two-week grade check may also attend the ASC to shorten their ineligibility. Students need to see Mr. Monroe for the required forms and must attend the entire session if working toward correcting athletic eligibility. Any student who is voluntarily attending ASC or coming based on teacher referral may leave at any time.
The Academic Support Center is available to middle and high school students on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Morning sessions run from 7:15-8:00, and afternoon take place from 3:25-4:15. Please check the daily announcements for specific availability.