JCSD History Goes Digital
/Over the spring and summer months, students and staff were preparing to take Janesville CSD history digital. Superintendent Meaney said the staff had seen several local schools and colleges purchase a touch screen television, and had been able to to see how they were being used in those communities. Additionally, the school was facing several challenges with the senior class wall composites, both in space and with deterioration. The school looked into the possibility to refurbish them, but the cost was too great. The school also realized that they did not have a database of the school yearbooks. The school had several, but not all of them. So.....with the financial assistance of the Booster Club, JCSD purchased the Touch Board.
The school connected with the community and was able to acquire every yearbook but one, and had them digitized. You can find all of those on the Board now. The Wildcat Multimedia class worked on digitizing all of the class composites. This is still a work in progress but Meaney hopes to have this finished soon.
The school would like to expand the athletic pages on the Touch Board, and will be working to do so in the near future. They will be adding records, historical teams, videos and more to fill out those pages.
If you haven’t experienced the Touch Board, you are encouraged to stop by the school and check it out!