JCSD Middle School is On A Roll
/The middle school team at JCSD created a goal around student agency to boost student motivation and get students to be more aware of and accountable for their learning.
The staff has made changes to the Standards-Based Grading scale this year to align it closer to traditional grading. This was done in effort to make grades more meaningful and help students and parents understand Standards-Based Grading better.
Here is a breakdown of the new scale:
4-A (Demonstrates thorough understanding of course or grade level standard)
3-B (Demonstrates basic understanding of course or grade level standard)
2-C (Demonstrates a developing understanding of course or grade level standard)
1-D (Demonstrates minimal understanding of course or grade level standard)
0-I/Incomplete (Demonstrates no understanding of course or grade level standard)
The goal for the school year is to have 80% of middle school students recognized by Honor Roll or On A Roll by the end of each quarter. The criteria is as follows:
Honor Roll: Students have scored a “3”, “3.5”, and/or “4” on all priority standards assessed in the quarter.
On-A-Roll: Students have reassessed on any assessment score below a “3” and improved the score to a “2” or above.
The middle school team provided a movie and popcorn celebration to reward the students who made Honor Roll or On A Roll.