Donuts With Grown Ups Is A Success
/On Friday, March 24, the first Donuts with Grown-Ups was held in JCSD lunchroom. From 7:30 to 8:30 am, pre-K through 5th grade students were invited to bring a “grown-up” and come have breakfast.
There was no cost but donations were accepted. The Families and Communications Team, led by Megan Cheeseman, raised $807 in free will donations. This money is going to help cover the cost of the event, and the rest of the money will be put in the Lighthouse funds to use again for this event next year or for other Lighthouse needs.
Elementary Principal Mrs. Pugh states, “The event was well attended and it seemed parents and students alike enjoyed the time together.”
The Families and Communications Team would like to thank all of the staff that jumped in and helped out. Mrs. Cheeseman would also like to thank Kwik Star for baking the donuts and the Janesville PTA and Student Lighthouse Team for covering the cost. Also, a special thank you goes out to Katie Johnson and the Snack Shack students. They did a great job helping out at the event, and then cleaning up after the event.